You have not raised a single novel question. I have answered every question you raise in my writing. If you want to find them, you can. If you don’t want to find them, that is your prerogative. I am not going to reproduce everything I have written.
Most of the contributors to Medium have an agenda. Everyone with an agenda thinks theirs is the best.
Yet again, my specific, concrete economic proposal, I as I shown you, personally, provides the means to eliminate unemployment, poverty, taxes, and public debt while making the economy that exists stable and self-regulating, but requiring no limit on income or property/wealth or changes to economic behavior and even helping with environmental sustainability. In the U.S. it could be implemented with a single Act of Congress — or even by any central bank, without government being involved (except that central banks are presently not allowed by law to fund government directly — but that is because of the nature of the extant system. It could be adopted by any nation or any group of nations, to include all nations using a single monetary agency. I haven’t seen a better idea specific, concrete idea.
There can be no rational basis for rejecting my economic proposal — or the ethic of justice I have developed that establishes an ethical need for a democratically distributed income (though the amount of that income for those being paid it is, as I have written, a mater of morality/practicality). I do accept that there are extra-rational bases (beliefs) for rejecting it. If your beliefs don’t allow you to accept mutual respect as an ethic or the existence of a democratically distributed income, I surely don’t expect you, or anyone else whose beliefs are such, to accept either.
Either way, this is my last interaction with you.