Yet more evidence here of the need for a new economic paradigm. It turns out that a (relatively) simple adjustment to the way the economy is supplied with money (as currency) can solve all of our societal problems that are directly related to the economy (i.e., unemployment, poverty, taxation, public debt, and sustainability). If curious, "Same Economy, Way Better Outcomes for Society" and "Paradigm Shift" (for, primarily, economists) are both available here in Medium.
It can be thought of, in a sense, as an expansion on the concept of 'quantitative easing'. Like QE, money is created as needed. Like QE, no new debt is involved in the creation of the money. Unlike QE, there are built-in safeguards against inflation, beginning with an absolute limit on how much money would be created.
The most revolutionary aspect of the paradigm is that in it the monetary loop gets closed. The economy is flooded with money and 'excess' money is withdrawn from it (but only after it could be used for purchases/investment). People and businesses retain plentiful pools of money, based on income. Effectively, only very successful, established businesses would have money collected: no individual would. To be clear, there would be no imposed limit on income/wealth. There is a limit on hoarding money.