"To take your plane analogy, if the economy is the plane, production is its fuel, and money is the CO2 that results from burned fuel."
You don't use CO2 to make the plane go. A plane is a plane whether it has fuel or not, but for it to serve its purpose it has to have fuel.
It is in precisely that sense that money is the 'fuel' of the existing economy of any nation: without money it could not function as an economy. To say barter could still occur is specious sophistry: that would not be the existing economy.
Of course I do know that money is the facilitator, not the initiator of economic activity, but a medium of exchange is necessary for a non-barter economy to function. As I know you know, the amount of money available will definitely affect how well the economy functions.
Every nation on the planet has a monetary economy. My paradigm is a better way to supply the economy--the existing economy of any nation--with money.