There is a solution. At first blush it looks like MMT, but it is vitally different. The solution is to print the money to fund government, rather than use taxes or debt for that purpose.
The differences between this proposal and MMT are: 1) this would fund all government (not just the federal government); 2) government would be put on a budget (there would be a set amount of money that would be provided for government to spend); and 3) best of all, taxation of all kinds would be eliminated.
All that would be accomplished by setting the amount of money to be provided for government at the current per capita rate of total government spending (all spending by all government divided by the present population). Forever afterward the amount of money to be provided for all government would be determined by the current pre capita rate of total government spending multiplied by the size of the nation's population: as it grew, the amount of money provided for government would grow; if the size of the population were to fall the amount of money provided for government would be decreased.
The money would be made available to the central government first; money not spent there would be apportioned to the states, based on their populations. (That process would presumably be repeated between state and local government within the states.) The national reps. and senators would realize that the less they spent there, the more money there would be to send back home, to the people who elected them So they would have an incentive to minimize the amount spent by the federal government, thereby maximizing the amount of money sent to the states.
Meanwhile, part of the money would go toward paying off the debt that has been accumulated. As that mountain of debt was chipped away more money would become available for other uses.