There is a better alternative. For one thing, the money for this income would be free. It would be created as needed. The total of the income would form the supply of money (as currency) for the economy.
Unlike the system at present, the size of the supply of money would be limited at any point in time—by demographics—and there would be built-in safeguards against inflation. That supply of money—and the economy as a whole—would become completely self-regulating.
The income would be sufficient to live on—based, say, on the current median income (so in the U.S., perhaps $15/hr.; $600/wk.; $2600/mo.). It would not be paid to everyone, but it could be paid to any number of people. Any citizen could become eligible for the income; it would be an absolutely, positively guaranteed, bulletproof minimum income for (adult) citizens.
Like a UBI, this income could be enacted by a single legislative act. Unlike a UBI, in this paradigm the need for taxes/public debt (at all levels of government) could be eliminated by using the same process to fund all government.
For those of a curious mind there is: “For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS” (a “2 min read”—including options for further reading—here in Medium). Knowing how long I have been touting this idea and how much good it could already be doing for all of society—especially in the current situation—has exacerbated my frustration.