The Water Lords (1971) was assigned reading for a class I was taking in college (1973). The book was the product of a Ralph Nader Project. It reads like great fiction, but it was a study of the paper industry in the state of Georgia (where I have basically always lived). It inspired me to get intellectually serious, confirming for me my pre-intellectual understanding that the economic system in the U.S. needed--and still needs--serious, fundamental change. My copy of it got lost way back in the mists of time, but I read it at least four times.
The principal author was James Fallows, who would later become Managing Editor of (what is now) The Atlantic. In that capacity in 1989 he seriously considered publishing an article from me concerning the economic paradigm I developed to accomplish such change. I can't help but wonder how much better off this world might be today if he had.
If curious, "De-growth with Only Positive Effects" is a "6 min read" here in Medium that emphasizes the environmental benefit of the paradigm (as it has continued to develop over time). [Nothing I publish here is behind the paywall.]