The statement that follows from him at the start of this article displays a fundamental conceit of all too many Israelis. While Israelis constantly--and correctly--refer to the grotesque injustices that Jews have historically suffered to validate the creation and defense of the nation of Israel, they refuse to acknowledge the gross injustices perpetrated upon Palestinians in that process.
It is similar to the case in the U.S. concerning people of (more recent) African heritage (as scientists inform us that Homo sapiens did originate in Africa). Many Americans of European heritage refused to understand, as soon as the infamous Jim Crow laws--and the racism that underlaid them--were invalidated, why those fellow citizens could not simply set the past aside and start immediately to 'be like us'.
Personally, I think a tripartite solution offers the best hope: one state for Jews, one state for Muslims, and a 'democracy of the willing' centered on Jerusalem.