The problem is that the postmodernists are correct: what counts as truth or knowledge is a matter of personal inclination. It always has been, but there have always been entities of power that endorsed and enforced particular forms of truth and knowledge, such as religions (theologies) and political structures (ideologies). The question can be raised whether science is such an entity of power, but whether it is or not, accepting or rejecting even 'facts' of the 'real world', 'material reality', are in the end a matter of personal inclination. To recognize that is to recognize the ultimate 'reality' of human being — and the ultimate emancipation of human beings from entities of power,
Ironically, for a totalitarian regime that 'ultimate "reality" of human being' is of no consequence: it is by definition the ultimate entity of power, with the goal of imposing on all a particular worldview. That ultimate human reality is only an issue for societies that have the emancipation of people as their organizing principle: democracies, which necessarily entail maximizing liberty.
Fortunately, mutual respect as the ethic of justice resolves the issue of truth and knowledge in a democratic nation with maximum liberty for all.