The present situation has exacerbated threats to Liberal society that already existed. At the same time, it has increased people’s awareness of the need to implement substantive change. I am convinced that we who want to save Liberal society have to be willing to rethink things down its very foundation.
My studies have taught me that “Equality Is All We Need” (here in Medium). Equality implies a requirement of mutual respect (of a basic kind — taking one another into account). Realizing mutual respect as the ethic of justice for society would maximize liberty as a practical matter.
I submit that mutual respect is actually the ethic that already governs political democracy as we know it. That ethic can be applied to the existing economy in the form of a “democratically distributed income.” [If it matters, I do have an M.A. in economics.]
That sounds more radical than it is. At bottom, it is ‘only’ a different way to supply the economy with money. The idea is fully developed; all questions that can be answered prior to its actual implementation have been answered.
The outcomes for society are astonishing: “For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS” (a “3 min read” — with options fro further reading — also here in Medium). Knowing how long I have been touting these ideas and the good they could already be doing, the current situation has put my frustration into hyper drive.