Thanks, Dave, for those words. We seem to both be urinating into the wind, but at least we're fighting good fights. I think yours is by far the more difficult. My paradigm is really only a change within an existing system, not a change from one system to another. Also, mine promises immediate material benefits, not 'merely' a better form of government.
In the specific proposal related in this article, the money would be administered by an international entity, but each nation would have its own minimum income, based on its own economic situtation--I would think based on the median or maybe the average income, or perhaps even average GDP (for those nations where exploitation has been the most brutal). Over time, the minimum income for all nations in the currency block could be raised to that of the nation with the highest one, but even that would be an option to be determined.
It is strange to have close to a thousand "Followers" (I was at about 850 a coule of months ago and suddenly lost about a hundred overnight) yet have only a handful of people read any of one's articles. I seem always to be on the verge of achieving some kind of breakthrough in which other people will actually begin advocating for this paradigm, but like fusion energy it seems it will remain forever tantalizingly close to happening.