Thank you for that. I had been wondering what specific mechanism might exist to trigger hyperinflation in the face of a depressive economic event as a result of central banks’ inevitable response to that event.
I understand that you have a commitment to precious metal as a basis of a sound monetary system, but I have developed an alternative system for fiat money that resolves the economic problems inherent in the present system. It supplies the economy with money (as currency) without debt. (I take the identity that exists between the ‘credit cycle’ and the ‘business cycle’ to be simply the result of all ‘money’ — other than QE — being created through debt in the contemporary central-bank monetary system.) [I do have an M.A. in economics.]
This proposal would make the supply of money (as currency) — and the economy as a whole — self-regulating. The size of the supply of currency would be governed, passively but effectively by demographics — and only that. The same process could be used to fund government — all government, from central to local — eliminating the need for taxes/public debt.
To prevent inflation money would have to be returned to its point of origin, but, unlike taxes, no money would be collected from any business or individual before it could be used for purchases or investment. Also, people and businesses would retain some proportion of their income. The amount of money returned to its point of origin would be determined by the actions of people and businesses, not any person or committee.
If curious, a brief summary (“5 min read”) is available here in Medium.