Thank you for such a thoughtful comment.
I first came up with the basic idea for this paradigm exactly forty years ago (the winter of '82-'83). At that time, the issues you note simply did not exist. Yet, this paradigm is uniquely capable of solving those problems.
From the start, it occurred to me that it would be as easy as not to pay the income to one parent in a home with at least one dependent child living there. Up until very recently the biggest issue with that was risking taking too many people out of the labor market. Actually, that is still the case today, but as you point out, it will soon be otherwise. It would not be difficult to come up with other criteria for people to be paid the income outside the traditional labor market.
One thing no one is discussing is simply the effect of that coming revolution on taxes. With this paradigm taxes are not necessary for funding government (at the current per capita rate of total government spending).
This paradigm has a lot going for it.