Thank you for an informative essay. I had never encountered “metamodernism.” I look forward to your further expositions on the topic.
I must acknowledge, though, that “a paradoxical appreciation that all understandings of reality are both right and wrong simultaneously” is, to me, a problem. I do accept, from Foucault, that everyone is entitled to the validity of one’s own experience of reality, but everyone’s being ‘right’ (for oneself) is not the same as everyone’s experience of reality being right and wrong at the same time.
That difference makes all the difference. One makes commonality of knowledge possible, the other makes knowledge itself, even individuated ‘knowledge’, impossible. Would we not be left with nothing but random, isolated bits of unrelated mental ephemera? (I define ‘knowledge’ as sufficiently validated mental inputs, where “sufficiently” depends on the use to which that knowledge is being put.)