Thank you for a hugely interesting essay. Of course, to “break out of prison” can only be a conscious act.
The only way to defeat the panopticon is to ignore its existence. As a physical prison that would not be possible (without consequences). In life, it would seem to mean ignoring ‘politics’, i.e. manipulative relations of power. (Such relations, as Foucault pointed out, permeate life.)
That can be accomplished by dissolving the boundaries of one’s own mandala: allow the conscious ego to be submersed in the requirements of goodness. The result is what Jesus called the “peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Buddhism offers the same process/result. I suppose most religions do.
So does “real justice,” in its own way. The unconscious must be where goodness resides; real justice is the conscious/rational expression of unconscious goodness, allowing goodness to inform/govern the Logos. [ Page: “real justice” (“goodness without limit”)]