Some time ago I came to the conclusion that a really just economy must have a "democratically distributed income" (meaning not that it would be paid to every citizen, but that any citizen could become eligible for it). In thinking about the design of such an income, as a "principle" I adopted the position that it could not involve taxes (such as a UBI) because of the issues of injustice (i.e., arbitrariness) inherent in any scheme of taxation. Moreover, I promised myself that I would abandon the project if its design got to be too complex.
I came up with the idea of having that income serve as the supply of money for the economy. That turned out to have astonishingly positive outcomes for society — absolutely, positively guaranteed.
It is now a fully developed paradigm. If interested in learning more about it, the best place to start would be "For Crying Out Loud, Accept That A Solution Actually Exists" (a "3 min read" — including options for further reading — here in Medium).