“Rand’s repeated and hollow trope, that reason will always save us, ignores, at every opportunity, to recognize that reason must be based upon premises; and that the premises are, in fact, the actual problem.”
That is the Achilles heel of every ideology.
I am not an engineer, but I do agree that we must look at the economic system as a system. My own studies (including an M.A. in economics) have taught me that the flaw in the existing economic system is the way it is supplied with money: the formation of all money involves debt; debt grows faster than the economy (total income) does.
The only way to keep the system from crashing (in the short run) is to create ever more debt with relatively less and less income available to service it (and do all the other things money must do for the system). I’m not quite sure if it is a case of the head eating the tail or the tail choking the head, but it is one of those, in the long run, to be sure.
I have (fully) developed a solution: “For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS” (a “3 min read” — including options for further reading — here in Medium). [My frustration has been exacerbated by the current situation.] In my proposal money (as currency) is supplied for the economy the form of an income paid to (eligible) citizens. It involves no debt.
Although my economic proposal can be considered in strictly economic terms, it follows from asking what a really just economy would be (thus a “democratically distributed” income). Given the Achilles heel that all ideologies have (including Liberalism), I have developed a non-ideological account of justice to govern the governance of society: “Real Justice” (which is summarized there in a “5 min read” in Medium).