Prejudice can take one of two forms: prejudice against people of one group or/and another or prejudice in favor of people of a particular group. ‘Better’ people are not prejudiced against any other group of people, but all people are prejudiced in favor of ‘their kind’.
To recognize ‘white male privilege’ in the sense critiqued in this article is to recognize the benefits, sought or unsought, of being a member of the group that has brutally dominated the entire planet, politically and economically, for the whole of the Modern era. It is something every member of that group should recognize — along with the anger felt by members of all other groups.
Pooh-poohing that anger while analyzing how people who are in those groups should feel, talk, and act is a sure way to make people who are in those groups even angrier. A better attitude for us, I think, is simply to be thankful that we aren’t being killed on sight.