Politically,, the part about eliminating taxes and public debt and ending unemployment/poverty at no costs to anyone, without redistributing anything eviscerates the opposition from Republicans/conservatives and their ilk to the economic paradigm. Accepting the economic paradigm in turn implies acceptance of mutual respect as the ethic for governing the governance of society.
That ethic also, by the way, eviscerates the idea of 'moral relativism' that is used to justify forcing all people their lives to live according the the beliefs of religious fundamentalists. It boils down to a handful of absolute prohibitions: no killing, harming, coercing, stealing, or manipulating (which includes lying, cheating, etc.) to get what you want. To violate any of those prohibitions to get what you want is to act unjustly.
I did enjoy your article. My point is that this approach to justice solves problems without requiring sacrifice of any kind. Why not get excited about that?