One way out for any nation would be the establishment of a kind of permanent 'quantitative easing' to supply its economy with money (as currency). Like QE, money would be created as needed and would not involve the creation of new debt. Unlike QE, there would be built-in protections against inflation, beginning with an absolute limit on how much money would be created over any period of time.
I would vote for using that money to institute a bulletproof minimum income for which any citizen could become eligible and to fund government (all government, from central to local), eliminating the need for taxes/public debt (as long as total government spending never exceeded the per capita level of total spending by government at the time of conversion to this paradigm). Such a currency would be immune to the effects of speculation.
Groups of nations could share a single currency of that kind without compromising the sovereignty of any nation. Such an approach to supplying the economy with money (as currency) could one day result in a global currency that would bring the highest possible level of material well-being to every nation on the planet--without imposing any limit on income/wealth anywhere.