One thing that happens is that people start out being rational — seeking the best idea they can find as a solution — but then they become emotionally attached to a particular idea. Emotions replace rationality.
‘Just money’, UBI (along with similar ideas, such as ‘social credit’), and MMT (as a prescriptive proposal) are all better than the status quo. None of those, however, even claim to accomplish as much good for society as this proposal does: the existing economy would become fully self-regulating, with no unemployment (at no cost to anyone); no poverty (without having to redistribute anything)); no taxes (of any kind) or public debt (at any level of government), with current per capita levels of total government spending forever; and increased sustainability — all absolutely, positively guaranteed, with no limit on income/wealth.
Again, to be rational one must refute it — demonstrate a fatal flaw in it (not simply assert that there must be one) — or accept it.