One problem with MMT is that it still involves having the central government 'manage' the economy. We've been doing that since the Great Depression. We don't seem to be getting better at it.
Another problem with MMT is that debt owned by the private sector is still used to create money. That debt comes with interest payments. Taxes are the means of making those payments. So in MMT interest payments continue to be in effect a tax paid by 'the people' to the private sector for the absolutely necessary social good that money is.
There is a better alternative: a "democratically distributed income." It would be paid to eligible citizens; any adult citizen could become eligible for it. The money for the income would be created as needed. The total of that income would be the supply of money (as currency) for the economy--created without involving debt. The results for society are astonishing.
"For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS" (a "3 min read"--including options for further reading--here inn Medium). [Links apparently aren't possible in this new response platform.]