Ms. Beau:
It occurred to me that you might have misconstrued my juxtaposition of references to the sexual content of some of your writing and the Bible. I am not the least bit offended or bothered or put-off by those writings. They did come as a surprise and I am too old for any of that to be of any significance to me. That’s all.
I have become fascinated of late by the compatibility between the Creation narrative in Genesis and the scientific account of the history of the Universe. If you ignore the chronology (and the ‘literal truth’ dogma) and look only at the sequences, it is astonishing how compatible the two accounts are.
I have become convinced that those chapters of that book of the Bible are an attempt to answer the question, “Why are humans [Homo Sapiens] so different from the rest of Creation?” It remains an interesting and important question.
Also, people who have calculated the age of Earth based on Genesis have come up with numbers that coincide rather accurately with the age of civilization (i.e. people living in cities). Re. cities: Would it not be accurate to say that cities are by definition complex as well as large social structures? While Catalhoyuk was large, it was not complex. That definition would classify it as a big traditional community, not a city. (just a thought)
Given your concern for justice, I do hope you will read “Equality Is All We Need.”