Marx, of course, saw capitalism as a stage of development. The future he foresaw is irrelevant, in the sense that his visions do not represent the only possible future. There is a way to leave ‘capitalism’ (defined as mass production of goods and services for sales in geographically extended markets) be, yet eliminate unemployment, poverty, taxes, and public debt — while increasing sustainability — with no limit on income or wealth. The same process could be used to end ‘exploitation’ (i.e. “wage slavery:” some people paying others to be employed as machines — or draft animals — for the monetary gain of the employer) — with still no limit on income or wealth.
“For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS” (a “2 min read” — including options for further reading — here in Medium): if anyone knows of a better idea, I definitely want to be apprised of it.