Lighter-skinned people of (more recent) African heritage (archaeology has taught us that all Homo sapiens are ultimately of African heritage) tend to look down upon their darker-skinned compatriots. Human beings will go to any lengths to preserve Us. vs. them, with Us on top.
Jewish people have been especially intent on keeping themselves apart, and in the end that requires seeing themselves as being inherently superior to all others. Almost all human beings seek a sense of superiority over as many others as possible, but it must be admitted that Jewish people win the prize for being the most consistent, vehement seekers of that kind.
Not for a second am I suggesting that persecution of Jewish people is therefor justified. It is not.
The Diaspora actually did provide Jewish people a degree of moral superiority because, though imbued with that sense of superiority, they did not seek to rule over other people. They wanted only to be free of persecution. The establishment of the Nation-state of Israel provided a persecution-free haven for Jewish people, but its establishment ended any moral superiority Jewish people, as a people, could be said to have. In Israel they have become persecutors.