Karl Marx died in 1883--basically, one and a half centuries ago. That means he formulated his ideas in the early 1800's. Given that his concern was the economy and that 'capitalism' was just getting started at that time, I think people should be open to the possibility that his understanding of matters related to the economy might not be sufficiently up-to-date.
I am completely sympathetic to Marx's critique of capitalism as a form of business organization, but I see money, especially income — not property — as the primary determinant of outcomes for people related to the economy.
I have developed an alternative approach to money that could achieve the ultimate goal: "the systemic exploitation of man by man is ended" without having to make the effort to abolish the institution of private property. For that matter, no redistribution of anything would be required.
if curious: "Finding One Way Forward" (here in Medium, but not behind the paywall)