Just because I find fault with your analysis does not mean that I am unsympathetic to your perspective. For me, emotions are one thing, spiritual matters are another, and rationality is still another.
I find it interesting that you dismiss religion. Jesus was a thorough anarchist — not in the sense of wanting to tear down the existing institutional structure, but in the sense that it is irrelevant. Surely for anyone interested in doing away with government the emphasis must be on some ethical construct. Otherwise… have you watched any of the old series from HBO, Deadwood?
Also, I think your biggest beef is with civilization. All non-civilized people have had some form of government, but the social ethos for all such societies (within their groups) has always been ‘all for one and one for all’. That ethos of itself minimizes the amount of ‘government’ required. For them, that ethos has followed from their existential situation: cooperate or die. Absent such material circumstances, what might the necessary ethic be?