It is still a normative judgment to say that such a distribution of remuneration is ‘wrong’ and ‘ought’ not to exist.
I have found a way to make the existing economic system non-exploitative. It follows from a materialist ethic (mutual respect in effecting choices) that follows from an observation within material existence (human beings have no choice but to effect choices, so recognizing one another as fellow human requires respecting one another's capacity to choose). Exploitation via an arbitrary distribution of remuneration effected by anyone in an enterprise is an obvious violation of that ethic.
The proposed solution is a democratically distributed income funded by money created for that purpose. It could be (for starters?) a minimum guaranteed income, but it could (eventually?) be the income paid to anyone employed in any business or government (with, then without differing benefits?). Over time the distribution of property would follow the distribution of income.
Presumably, it would be easier to get people inculcated with the capitalist mode of production--but also Liberal ‘justice’--to take this proposed route.
if curious: "The Unnecessariness of Marxism" (for society to go where Marx foresaw)
the ethic: “Alright, Already”
Both are here in Medium, but not behind the paywall.