Interesting take: it made me ponder how the changes that come with the passing of time--for individuals and culture--shape our perspectives.
I did write those songs as a slightly older person (though not yet middle aged) looking back at my own experiences of life. On top of that, these songs were written decades ago. So I have always thought "Been Down That Road" reflects more how 'nice guys' wish young women would feel about men who seem to attract women because they are negligent about women's feelings, but apparently being labeled a 'nice guy' isn't the same thing now as it was when I was a young man. Then (very late 1960s to late '70s)--for both men and women--being indifferent to the emotional needs of women as part of being a 'real man' was only just beginning to go the way of the disenfranchisement of women.
I really do think "Rebel Girl" is surely true to how a young woman in that place might think of herself, even if she might not share that with other people--admitting that I obviously could never actually get in that place just using my imagination (though I did grow up with four sisters, one of whom--my twin, as it happens--was quite rebellious). Still, the motivations and intentions and productions of such rebelliousness can surely change over time, too.