Important Information Re. the ‘Tree of Knowledge’
that makes all the difference, especially re. matters of sexuality
I cannot count the number of references to the “Tree of Knowledge” I have encountered. Of late there seems to have been a spate of them.
Almost everyone gets it wrong. The “Tree” to which people refer is from the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It bore the ‘Forbidden Fruit’, the one thing in the ‘Garden of Eden’ of which ‘Adam and Eve’ were forbidden to partake.
That “Tree,” however, is not called the ‘Tree of Knowledge’. It is the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Right and Wrong’. That is why partaking of the fruit of that ‘Tree’ was the end of innocence.
So that ‘Tree’ is not about ‘throwing shade’, if you will, on science or the rational faculty. It is about us mere humans taking it upon ourselves to judge, morally, ourselves and others.
In particular, it is interesting that ‘discovering’ their ‘nakedness’ was the specific ‘knowledge’ that was the first such ‘fruit’. That suggests that all further moralizing about matters related to sex and sexuality are nothing but further extensions of that very first sin. Disobeying God for the first time took the form of introducing moral judgement into the world — specifically, about sexual matters that have nothing to do with anyone doing any harm to anyone else. What could be more wrong than that?