I'm in complete sympathy with the sentiment expressed in this article, but as a nation we are headed for a cliff. Staying in the middle of the road we are on will take us over that cliff as surely as being in the left lane or the right lane will.
There is, however, a solution. It is utterly non-ideological (or theological), neither of the 'left' nor of the 'right'.
It is an economic solution, not a political position. It would solve all of our material problems: unemployment, poverty, taxation, public debt, and environmental sustainability.
In solving all of those problems--while making the economy self-regulating--this solution realizes the material goals of the right and the left. In that sense, it is the true centrist position.
It can be enacted with a single Act of Congress. Why not channel all that positivity into actually making this nation--this world--better by advocating for this solution?
This solution does not require for people to change. It doe not require changing the economic system. It is at bottom 'merely' a different way of supplying the existing economy with money.
“An American Solution For Unemployment and Poverty” (published in Dialogue and Discourse here in Medium)
"For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS" (a "3 min read"--including options for further reading--here in Medium)