I'm glad you got the tongue-in-cheek part. I would definitely agree that states of mind determine actions of people (including 'speech acts') and that those actions are facts of material existence.
I did not, I have to say, "define racism as systemic racism." Racism is a personal matter; systemic racism is a societal issue.
I do want to tell you that I am conservative. I want to use rationality to preserve Liberal society: democracy and the rule of law with the primacy of liberty as its primary concern.
To me, at this point that is the true conservative position. It is being attacked philosophically by postmodernists and politically from the let and the right.
[I acknowledge that postmodernists have made some valid points, but their attack on 'the rational' is as erroneous as it is misguided. Casting aside rationality is the very definition of madness.]
Saving Liberal society does require revolutionary change to the economy: “For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS” (a “3 min read” — including options for further reading — here in Medium).
It would include eliminating unemployment and poverty, but people on the political left reject it because it does not punish 'the rich'. Those outcomes would be accomplished without sticking businesses or 'the rich' with the tab: the wage bill for employers would actually be reduced and there would be no redistributing anything.
Why people on the political right have trouble accepting this proposal is beyond my understanding. It would also make the economy completely self-regulating and allow us to fund government without taxes/public debt.
Allies are needed. I hope I can convince you to join the struggle.