If I may, for nations meta-narratives provide a generally (ideally, universally) accepted account of how the governance of society should be governed.
As Lyotard also wrote, "Justice is not an outmoded value." For Liberal nations, justice based on equality and maximizing liberty within the rule law, which necessitates having a democratic political process, has formed that meta-narrative. That meta-narrative is crumbling under the dawning recognition of its theoretical and practical shortcomings.
In short, what we need most of all is a new meta-narrative of justice. It must preserve all that is best in Liberal societies while exceeding that approach to justice in its theoretical cohesiveness and the practical outcomes it would produce.
To preserve the maximization of liberty within the rule of law and the democratic political process that is necessary for that achievement while actually solving problems like unemployment, poverty, taxation/public debt, and sustainability, we must be willing to 'boldly go' “Beyond Liberalism” (here in Medium, but not behind the paywall).