I was unfamiliar with "God of the gaps," but am very glad to have learned the term. I agree that the most essential difference between science and belief is that the latter is for any question a final answer (that can easily tend to brook no challenge) whereas the former is an eternal search for the best possible answer. The notion that it is somehow wrong to use the rational faculty the Good Lord gave us to understand the material existence in which God situated us is just completely ludicrous.
In the first place, God didn't write Genesis, people did. To say Genesis is God's Truth is to put one's faith in those people, not God. To challenge what any of them wrote is not to deny God in any way. The Bible is a way to be introduced to God/faith, but to make it more than that, to equate with God a collection of words composed by mere human beings, is, to me, a form of blasphemy.