I used abortion because anyone’s attitude about it can only be a matter of belief. You believe it is “murder.” I believe it is a sin, but I don’t believe it is murder. Some people don’t believe it is either of those.
My beliefs are absolutely true for me, but they mean nothing to you. Your beliefs are absolutely true for you, but they mean nothing to me. You don’t want to have to live according to my beliefs. I don’t want to have to live according to your beliefs.
On the other hand, all laws involve beliefs about morality. In this country, though, liberty comes first. That means we are free to do whatever is not illegal. So the question is always whether something a person might do should have a law against doing it.
The only ‘reason’ for making abortion illegal is that some people believe it is “murder.” In a nation where liberty comes first, is that really a good basis for making abortion illegal? Anyone who believes abortion is murder — or a sin — can simply choose not have an abortion.