I think it is some damned impressive thinking. I especially like the distinction between access and ownership and "request" in place of buy/sell. Coherently decoupling supply from value is a neat trick to have accomplished (in the good sense).
You don't make it explicit, as far as I understood, but I take it that the distribution of instruments could be undertaken at the national level, say, by a central bank. In that way it could be a cure for poverty that would not involve taxes/public debt--another very tidy achievement.
Unless I missed something, though--and I abjectly apologize if I am misrepresenting the paradigm in any way--it doesn't address the labor market or the funding of government. Its impact on the former would be huge (though, as a way to address the 'zero human labor' economy that is supposedly coming soon, it would be a way to provide income without employment for pay).