I take society to be 'the system' in "systemic." Is racism societal in the U.K.? Yes. It is embedded in notions of justice based on Rights.
That notion of justice was developed by people in positions of racial (and other) privilege. "Rights" is a self-centered concept. That self-centered notion of justice has perpetuated the racial (and other) privileging that was present in its inception.
[In the U.K. justice was at one time based on traditional 'rights' as they had developed in the Common Law, but that was superceded following the Civil War by Locke's conception of "Natural Rights," especially the Right of liberty (but intertwined with the right to property), as the predicate of justice.]
We must recognize that justice is mutual respect (of a basic kind--taking one another into account). That ethic of justice follows from a belief in equality: "Equality Is All We Need" (here in Medium). [Links apparently aren't possible in the new response platform.]
Mutual respect already informs the theory of democracy. A society governed by mutual respect would maximize the liberty that co-existing people can share, as a practical matter.
Mutual respect can be applied to the economy, via a "democratically distributed income," with astonishing results for society. Anyone who dislikes "collectivism" should be especially interested in it: "For Crying Out Loud, ACCEPT That A SOLUTION Actually EXISTS" (a "3 min read"--including options for further reading--also here in Medium).