I recommend a whole new approach to justly governing society. Only an idea that big can be big enough to counter this anti-liberalism (the political ideology) that has morphed into anti-Liberalism (the meta-ideology).
In the U.S., Liberalism is dying. Long live this New Liberalism! (not to be confused in any way with 'neoliberalism')
Liberty would be maximized, but as a product of justice, not its source, or foundation, etc.
'Equality' is an unnecessary complication: all that matters for justice is that the beings involved are humans.
A Liberal (or until recently Liberal) society that came to be governed by this New Liberalism would not have to change any of its institutional structure, but its functioning--its effects on people--would be transformed, especially in the economy.
[Linked article is here in Medium, but not--for the benefit of any 'guest readers'--behind the paywall.]