I loved the question about the tulips. 'Crypto' is the most unproductive speculation it is possible to achieve, literally infinitely less productive than 'investment' involving tulips in The Netherlands was.
Still, I do absolutely agree with the idea that some different approach is needed regarding money. To my mind what is needed is for nations to make their money (in the form of currency) a fully exogenous variable. That would bring stability to this inherently chaotic economic system.
The approach I have taken to that solution (using demographics to determine the supply of currency) would also eliminate unemployment and poverty while increasing sustainability (because total output would be governed, passively but effectively, by population). One available option would be to use that same process to fund (all) government (at current levels of per capita spending), eliminating the need for taxes/public debt for that purpose. (There are built-in protections against inflation.)
As I enjoy relating to people, if all that can be achieved without imposing costs on employers, without having to redistribute anything, without imposing any limit on income/wealth, without additional regulations, and without requiring people to act any particular way, then surely celebrations are in order. Still, implementing this New Monetary Paradigm would not preclude seeking any other goals (such as more environmental efforts) in the political process.
if curious: "Paradigm Shift" (a generic version of the paradigm, primarily for economists); "Same Economy, Way Better Outcomes for Society" [both here in Medium but not behind the paywall]