I like very much the identification of a synthesis between the Modern and Postmodern perspectives. I have often thought that is where my output resides. For life in general, as I see it what is needed most is an other-centered form of individualism (as opposed to the self-centered form it has taken). Outside of art, though, I do think it is possible to overstate the importance of "tone."
Simply put, a different 'tone' cannot solve a single material problem any society faces, much less be able to deal effectively with the material challenges that are approaching like a hurricane. Changing our approach to supplying the existing economy with money and people with income--both at the same time--would solve every material problem society now faces, including the mother of all material challenges: enough but not too much material stuff. It would also make the existing economy completely stable and self-regulating, eliminating our single biggest ongoing source of anxiety.
It would require a (justly achieved) revolution.
if curious: "To Preserve What We Have, What We Have Must Be Enough" (here in Medium, but not behind the paywall)