I fully agree that we cannot continue to accrue national debt with ‘business as usual’. There are people (proponents of MMT) who insist that a better understanding of the existing monetary paradigm obviates national debt as a problem. Yet, MMT still has the central government, in concert with the private banking system, attempting to 'manage' the economy.
As a conservative, I do not want any body or bodies attempting to manage the economy. The economy should be self-regulating. A truly self-regulating economy would dramatically reduce the overweening presence of the central government and the quasi-governmental central bank in society.
As a thinker, I realize that at this point a new monetary paradigm is needed. It is needed as part of a larger need for a conservatively progressive revolution in this nation. Such a revolution would mean keeping what is good — democracy, the rule of law (with maximizing liberty as its primary concern), and a market-based economy — but changing the outcomes of that economy for the better for all citizens (from homeless people to Bezos, Gates, etc.).
I have discovered how we can accomplish a conservatively progressive revolution. It might strike most conservatives as odd, but the key is equality. Economically, equality (better understood) does not mean 'socialism'. It does not include redistributing anything. It does mean a materially better life for all Americans while bringing us more liberty, vastly reducing the arbitrary influence of national institutions in society.
"Equality Is All We Need" (here in Medium)