I do appreciate that review of what must be a most impressive video. I agree with the Marxist critique of capitalism but reject the abolition of private property as an efficacious prescription.
I have developed a strictly rational — materialistic — ethic of justice: mutual respect in effecting choices. Anyone who perceives that one is a human being experiencing a material existence that includes other human beings and that human beings have no choice but to effect choices [which I got from Warren J. Samuels] must accept (rationally) the applicability of that ethic to all human beings, including oneself.
“Real justice’” as I call the account of justice that follows from that ethic, provides a path to eliminate exploitation (in the Marxist sense). It can start with eliminating unemployment, poverty, taxes, and public debt but not eliminating exploitation or go directly to a fully just economic process. The former would increase sustainability; the latter would of itself all but assure sustainability. Politically, there are no grounds for anyone to reject the first phase; once accomplished, there would no grounds on which to oppose the second phase.
Real justice is summarized in a “5 min read” in Medium and the case for the economic prescription (‘first phase’) is in “A Truly Great Idea” in Data Driven Investor here in Medium (with links fat the end or further reading).