I beg to differ.
There is an ethic of justice, 'mutual respect in effecting choices', that follows directly from the certain observation that human beings have no choice but to effect choices (i.e., to choose among perceived alternatives and take action to bring that choice to fruition). A requirement of mutual respect also follows from a belief in equality, but observation within material existence can be universally certain in a way that no belief can be.
In applying that ethic to the existing economic system I stumbled upon a way to retain that system (its institutional structure and the way it functions as a system) to eliminate unemployment, poverty, and taxes while making the economy self-regulating (with built-in safeguards against inflation) and increasing sustainability. All of those outcomes are absolutely, positively guaranteed.
for anyone curious enough: re. justice, "Beyond Liberalism," re. the economic paradigm, "Same Economy, Way Better Outcomes for Society" and (primarily for economists) "Paradigm Shift;" to maximize sustainability: "To preserve What We Have, What We Have Must Be Enough" (all here in Medium, but not behind the paywall)