I appreciate your reply to my Response, but my point is that the “metric” in real justice is observation within material existence. That makes it undeniably applicable for people who accept the validity of the observations from which the ethic follows.
Really, at bottom a single observation informs the ethic: human beings have no choice but to effect choices (i.e. choose among perceived alternatives and take action to bring that choice to fruition). Surely you accept the validity of that statement. It is what we are doing every waking moment.
That means everyone’s capacity to choose for oneself must be respected, beginning with choosing whether, how, and to what extent to be involved in the process whenever a choice is being effected. So, as a minimum of acting justly in effecting any choice, there can be no killing, harming, lying, cheating, or stealing for anyone to get what one wants.
That, of course, is but a two-paragraph summary. I have answered all pertinent questions in various contributions in Medium. A more comprehensive one is “People for Tolerance, Unite!”