I appreciate all that was written here. As I see it, however, at this point our politics have been elevated to a level beyond policies and programs, to the structure and functioning of the basic processes of society.
Ironically, the reason for that is the breakdown of compromise, as discussed in this article. A democratic nation without the possibility of compromise is ungovernable. Nations that are ungovernable undergo transformational changes.
Usually those changes are for the worse — to authoritarianism (or worse). It is possible, though, for a nation to undergo a positive transformation — to something better than it has ever been.
Such is the case with this nation at this time. We can become a society with no unemployment, poverty, taxes, or public debt — with still no limit on income/wealth — but increased sustainability (even without additional regulations or any changes in behavior) and a strengthened democracy (because those are the issues that are cleaving our political culture down the middle).
To accomplish all of that all we have to do is to change the way the existing economy is supplied with money. It can be accomplished with a single Act of Congress.
“For Crying Out Loud, Accept That A Solution Actually Exists” (a “3 min read” — including options for further reading — here in Medium