I am no theologian, but if I may, I do know that in the Gospels (especially the synoptic Gospels) Jesus did talk as much about justice as he did about loving one another. Yet, 'society' is a topic Jesus seems to have studiously avoided.
Liberalism was an attempt to govern society justly. As I see it, though, 'old' Liberalism is losing its legitimacy as its conceptual and practical inadequacies are being exposed. What is needed, then, is an advance in our understanding of justice as it relates to the governance of society.
So here is one attempt at a better understanding of the just governance of society: "A New Liberalism" (here in Medium, but not — for the benefit of any 'guest readers' — behind the paywall). In it liberty is still maximized, but as a product of justice (not its source, or foundation, or predicate, etc.). Also, 'equality' is an unnecessary complication: all that matters for justice is that the beings involved are humans. For any existing Liberal society, to be governed by this New Liberalism would require no changes structurally, but its functioning — its effects on people — would be transformed (most obviously in the economy).