I am all for an approach to life that recognizes the wonder of all life — and the inorganic world that is the basis of it. Among humans, I urge us to recognize mutual respect — taking one another into account as we live our separate lives together in this world — as the ethic of justice to govern the governance of individuals as well as the two processes integral to every human society: the political process and the economy. That would take us “Beyond Liberalism.”
My problem with analysis is that it has become an end in itself, not the means to the end of finding solutions to problems. Anyone with an actual solution to propose is deemed for that to be a kook of some kind.
As it happens, I have found a solution to the fundamental flaw in the existing economic system: all variables in it are interdependent, making it chaotic. My proposed solution is to make the supply of money (as currency) an exogenous variable by tying it to demographics. It can be thought of as a kind of permanent 'quantitative easing' for 'the people', but with built-in protections against inflation. The (assured) outcomes are astonishing — to me, too: I had no idea what to expect concerning my idea, but thought it worth pursuing.
(All linked articles are here in Medium, but not behind the paywall.)