I agree with much of this article, particularly the general idea that capitalism and "free enterprise" (if taken to mean 'a free-market economy') are not the same thing. On the other hand, exploitation ('wage slavery': paying people to be used as machines--or draft animals--for the monetary aggrandizement of the employer) is part of small businesses, too. More generally, it is at least debatable whether owners of small businesses are more 'socially responsible' that people who control large businesses are.
The ultimate goal must be to preserve the good in the existing economy--however anyone might characterize it--while overcoming the deleterious effects for society that are currently associated with it. A paradigm that would accomplish that goal has been developed (by, well, me).
This paradigm can be used to go as far as eliminating exploitation, but short of that it would make the existing economy fully self-regulating while eliminating unemployment, poverty, and taxation/public debt and increasing sustainability--all at no cost to anyone, without redistributing anything, without imposing any limit on income/wealth, and without requiring any changes in people's behavior.
if curious: "Same Economy, Way Better Outcomes for Society" (here in Medium)