For myself, I decided long ago that Hitler, like President Roosevelt — both of whom assumed office in the midst of the Great Depression — was, in matters of economics, an intuitive Keynesian. (Both were elected in 1932; Keynes's book wasn't published until 1936). The difference is that Hitler was a fascist who used those policies make life better for 'Aryans' while murdering as many ‘others’ as he could, whereas President Roosevelt was a Democrat who used Keynesian policies to make life better for all citizens. The U.S. fought WWII as a Keynesian nation — and continued as one until the 1970's. After that we went to the ‘supply side’, and the rest is sad economic history. It turns out that ‘tax and spend’ to subsidize the middle class is way better as an economic paradigm than ‘borrow and spend’ to subsidize the investor class is.