First, thanks to this author for an illuminating and provocative article.
I fully agree that we must replace the self-centered individualism that is the heartless core of Western culture with an other-centered individualism that is focused on seeing all other people as separate, independent fellow human beings worthy of being entitled to everything to which anyone is entitled--including having, at a minimum, a sufficient material existence.
I hope this author might find interesting this article that I posted only yesterday: "A Gift for Atheists (and other secularists)" (here in Medium, but none of my stuff is behind the paywall). The topic is a materialist ethic of justice, i.e., one wholly contained within material existence (both its determiner and its referents), that follows from the integral place that choosing for ourselves has in being human--which makes respecting one another's capacity to choose the ethic of justice, which would maximize liberty (among other good things it would do).