First, thanks--sincerely--for those stirring words.
If I may: to summarize, a better world would be a more just world. It is even better put the other way around: a more just world would be a better world.
Liberalism ('equality and liberty as the twin pillars of justice') was the only ideology to seek to understand what justice is and to govern society accordingly. It has pretty much run its course. Its conceptual and practical limitations are being exposed.
"A New Liberalism" is an advance in the just governance of society. Liberty would be maximized, but as a product of justice, not its source, or foundation, or predicate, etc. 'Equality' is seen to be an unnecessary complication: all that matters for justice is that the beings involved are humans. Any existing Liberal nation that came to be governed by this New Liberalism would not have to change one bit structurally, but its functioning--its effects on people--would be transformed, especially in the economy. It would become systemically more sustainable while eliminating unemployment and poverty at any level of total output [for adult citizens of the nation--but any nation (or group of nations) could adopt the economic paradigm].